Regardless of where you are in your journey, aligning with our true selves is a continuous practice.

Whether you are searching for ways to find greater fulfillment and opportunities to use your strengths in your current role, or feeling unsure about where to move next, I can help you design strategies, uncover what may be holding you back, and gently nudge you to do things you may not think you are ready for but come to find they are not as scary as you made them seen.

Read below to explore other journeys of those I've worked with and how they have benefited from working with me.

Working with Brooke has shifted my life in ways I dreamed of but never really believed would happen. I went from grinding & hustling to finding peace & ease. I stopped trying to figure out what I am doing and started believing that just by wanting to spread light & joy, I was doing more than enough. Brooke has helped me to see that it's actually really simple ~ believe in yourself and the rest will follow. 

Since working together, I have found the strength & courage to work with more people, let go of things that don't serve me, and start my own business! In just a year, my life has transformed in such a beautiful way. I feel like a butterfly who has realized the elegance & importance of my being. Thank you Brooke, I would not be here if it wasn't for all that we've done together.


Some themes we have explored include

Growing a thriving yoga & bodywork business

"Review #2 goes right here. Vice paleo bitters before they sold out, single-origin coffee marfa subway dollar toast iceland. Mlkshk,  tousled flannel celiac pork belly roof party. Poke vexillologist vaporware."

"I tripled my sales using your method!"

"To add more reviews, just duplicate this canvas view and swap out the text and photo. Vice paleo bitters before they sold out, single-origin coffee marfa subway tile tilde activated."

"Working with you was a dream. Thank you!!"

Working with Brooke for over a year helped me to have better clarity about what I want to do in my career and by extension in my life. Brooke was there when I needed someone I could confide in my doubts and fears and she successfully helped me to flip how I saw these.

Together we sat down for long periods discussing my motivations and aspirations, unearthing my limiting beliefs, and drew an actionable journey towards a possible and desirable future. Clients, friends, and I did see the difference and I am forever in her debt. 

I am really grateful I could count on Brooke during this challenging period of my life and I am proud to call her a dear friend.


Finding my place as a relationship & culture builder in design studios

Some themes we have explored include

"Review #2 goes right here. Vice paleo bitters before they sold out, single-origin coffee marfa subway dollar toast iceland. Mlkshk,  tousled flannel celiac pork belly roof party. Poke vexillologist vaporware."

"I tripled my sales using your method!"

"To add more reviews, just duplicate this canvas view and swap out the text and photo. Vice paleo bitters before they sold out, single-origin coffee marfa subway tile tilde activated."

"Working with you was a dream. Thank you!!"

Starting the journey with Brooke has been such a gift. Every session is a discovery, it’s taking a step toward getting closer to my true self. This is thanks to the amazing ability Brooke has to ask you the “right” questions that have the power to let you become aware of what you really want and which are the stories you tell yourself in your mind. Being able to reframe these beliefs has been very crucial for me but the most powerful aspect is having her walk by your side and infuse you with her sincere faith in your endless possibilities. 


Some themes we have explored include

Building confidence to be a global human leader

"Review #2 goes right here. Vice paleo bitters before they sold out, single-origin coffee marfa subway dollar toast iceland. Mlkshk,  tousled flannel celiac pork belly roof party. Poke vexillologist vaporware."

"I tripled my sales using your method!"

"To add more reviews, just duplicate this canvas view and swap out the text and photo. Vice paleo bitters before they sold out, single-origin coffee marfa subway tile tilde activated."

"Working with you was a dream. Thank you!!"

If we all had a Brooke in our lives, our wildest dreams wouldn't seem as far-fetched. Brooke is an incredibly talented and compassionate leader, strategic designer, and coach who has a masterful knack for knowing when to invoke various skills and frameworks to bring out a clarity of purpose. Brooke puts people at the center of her work and her uplifting, genuine, and fun personality makes her easy to open up to. One of many of Brooke’s gifts are being able to help people reflect, recognize, and embrace their strengths along with cultivating an environment to empower people to achieve their goals, dreams, and ambitions. 

I am very grateful that I had the privilege to work with Brooke and witness her leadership style when coaching people and teams. I have directly seen the invaluable impact that Brooke has in transforming people, teams, and organizations. Brooke is truly one-of-a-kind and whether you are curious about transitioning careers, wanting to cultivate a dream into reality, or wanting to better understand your inner, I would highly recommend working with her.


Some themes we have explored include

Creating a new role at the intersection of service design and sports

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"Review #2 goes right here. Vice paleo bitters before they sold out, single-origin coffee marfa subway dollar toast iceland. Mlkshk,  tousled flannel celiac pork belly roof party. Poke vexillologist vaporware."

"I tripled my sales using your method!"

"To add more reviews, just duplicate this canvas view and swap out the text and photo. Vice paleo bitters before they sold out, single-origin coffee marfa subway tile tilde activated."

"Working with you was a dream. Thank you!!"